(Taipei, March 2022). Pursuing education abroad, especially in countries with Muslim minorities is often a difficult challenge for Indonesian students, having fears about how to perform the daily prayers. However, life is not at all difficult. Taiwan itself is a country that has a high level of tolerance towards different religions, races, and cultures. The Taiwanese society gradually starts to understand Islam and accepts it. There is no denying that it takes a little effort to find access to worship in this country. However, this has actually become a positive opportunity for students, who are among the members of FORMMIT (Indonesian Muslim Student Association in Taiwan) as well as IMSA NTUST (International Muslim Student Association) in collaboration to take it as a chance for da'wah.
Muallaf Center Department is one part of FORMMIT division, which is responsible for the implementation of Syiar to local residents of Taiwan, Indonesia, or Non-Muslim Foreigners and Islamic learning guidance in Taiwan. With a determination based on Q.S Al-Baqarah:244 “And fight in the way of Allah and know that verily Allah is Hearing, Knowing”, then the One Day Muslim Seminar was held with the theme "Life as an Islamic Ambassador in Taiwan". This event was held on Saturday 26, 2022 at 9 AM – 15 PM, in NTUST Taipei.
Picture 1. The moment when the FORMMIT General Secretary took a photo with the seminar speakers; From left to right: Brother Rakha Ramadhana, Imam Sulaiman-Wang, Mrs. Novi Irmania, and Mr. Bryan Kelvianto (Captured by FORMMIT/Richard Juliano)
With the goal to spread goodness in togetherness, the committee prepared everything in a delicate manner. “We are very happy and excited in preparing for this event because during the pandemic situation since two years ago, being able to gather and meet face to face with Muslim brothers from various countries is a privilege.”, The chairman of the event, Mr. Brilian Budi Prakosa said. Three extraordinary speakers were invited to share knowledge at the event. The first speaker was Mrs. Novi Irmania (Former of DMC) who brought the topic "How to introduce Islam to non-Muslimin Taiwan". The spread of Islam in a peaceful way became the core of the discussion. However, Syiar Islam to non-Muslims in Taiwan needs a special strategy and approach to be well received, on the material she conveyed.
The second speaker, is a mu’allaf, Mr. Bryan Kelvianto, is an engineer from a company in Taiwan, who is also an alumni of NCU, previously delivered a talk titled "Life as a Mualaf in Taiwan”. He narrated his unique journey to know Islam, in which he met Dienullah, Dienul Islam through his wife's introduction. He explained when he fasted without his family knowing, also how he fell in love with Q.S Ar-Rahman and then memorized it. In the end, he gave it as a dowry to his wife in their marriage. Peace of mind and an open heart are important points about what he conveyed regarding being a Muslim.
And the last speaker was Mr. Imam Sulaiman-Wang, Imam of Kowloon Hongkong Mosque, with his sharing of knowledge about “The history of Islam in Taiwan”. He said, “Muslims in Taiwan must ‘hang hands with each other, just as how the ‘Muhajirin ‘and the ‘Ansar’ used to”. He also gave a message, to always be grateful for the grace of faith and Islam that Allah has given, and always try to be human beings who always spread goodness wherever we are.
Picture 2. The moment when the photo is taken between the committee, participants, and the speaker of the seminar at the end of the event. (Captured by FORMMIT/Richard Juliano)
The event went smoothly and in the end, closed with joy. Through this seminar, it is hoped that it can become a forum for friendship between fellow Muslims, a means of learning, and can always improve the quality of faith and Taqwa of all participants to the Merciful Allah. Also, the goals of this organization can be achieved; to improve the quality of FORMMIT members through Islamic fostering in areas of Ruhiyyah (mentally), Fikriyyah (thinking), ‘Ilmiyyah (science), and Ijtima’iyyah (social) in Islamic brotherhood through the strength of networking, communication, and cooperation faith and piety (Imtaq), develop horizons of science and technology (science and technology) and increase social awareness.
Remind each other of kindness. Be an ambassador for Islam, be a figure who proves the peace and humility of a Muslim. Decorate the world with a respectful attitude, with love, and a smile. Spread it among the benevolence. This is Islam, the religion of peace, and we are proud to be a Muslim, to be Islam ambassador, InsyaaAllah. (Nimas Latifatul, NCU student)
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