Islam Taiwantaiwan.islam

2023 台北清真寺秋季週日班

2023 台北清真寺秋季週日班


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2023/09/17 - 2023/12/24 (02:00 - 04:00)

384 天前







  1. 勁量在早上9:45前抵達,讓孩子能一起參加晨間暖身活動,熟悉彼此建立情感
  2. 幼幼班孩子(MALIKA老師)請準備基本文具筆袋:色鉛筆或蠟筆、小剪刀、口紅膠。其他班孩子請準備基本文具筆、橡皮擦、筆記本等
  3. 課堂中除老師允許,學生不可使用手機平板,若屢勸不聽老師有權暫時保管,課程結束後才歸還。爸媽們一起以身作則陪伴孩子,切勿給大孩子手機平板使他們學習分心。
  4. 週日報到時,請務必加入假日班群組,以免漏掉重要公告訊息。也請熟知孩子班別和老師。
  5. 為了鼓勵孩子有效學習,連續完成兩期,會規劃成果發表及頒發參加證書。若出席率低於一半(少於6堂),將無法得到證書,老師們有權不接受孩子下一期報名,把機會讓給其他孩子,請爸媽們慎重考量
  • 若有特殊原因和需求,請和各班老師討論




Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Dear Respected Parents,

As a kind reminder, this Sunday (9/17) will be the first day of the 2023 Fall Semester classes, InshaAllah!

To complete the registration process, we kindly request that all parents bring their children to the Taipei Grand Mosque this Sunday by 9:30 AM to check-in and pay the 1,000 NT class fee. Your arriving early will help us to better serve you and facilitate the check-in process for others.

Also, to help encourage a smooth and productive learning experience for your children this semester, we kindly request all parents to please observe the following important points:

  1. Students should arrive by 9:45 AM every week to participate in the morning assembly and group activity before class to build and strengthen relationships between students and teachers.
  2. Parents of kindergarten students (ages 5 and under) please prepare basic stationary supplies, such as: colored pencils or crayons, scissors, glue sticks, etc. for your child to use for class activities. Students in other classes should prepare their own basic class supplies, such as pens or pencils, notebooks, folders, etc. to bring to class every week.
  3. Use of mobile phones or other electronic devices during the program is not allowed. Please ensure your child does not bring any devices to class unless the teacher has granted permission to use them for specific learning purposes. Otherwise, teachers may temporarily hold onto these devices until dismissal time, as they are a major distraction to the students, and are considered disrespectful to the teachers and fellow classmates.
  4. To receive all important announcements during the course of this semester, please remember to join the official Line group for parents by scanning the QR code at the check-in table on Sunday 9/17.
  5. Upon successfully completing the semester, each student shall receive a certificate of completion. However, if a student is absent for more than a total of 6 classes in a semester - without a valid reason - then no certificate shall be issued, and teachers reserve the right to refuse a student into their class for the next session until the student's attendance improves. A student who is inconsistent with attendance causes disruption to the learning environment and discourages teachers and fellow students.

However, if there are legitimate circumstances which are causing your child to be absent from class frequently, please don't hesitate to inform and discuss the matter with your child's teacher.

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the teachers anytime.

May Allah reward all our parents for their efforts, and help us all to raise our children to be upright and strong Muslims. Ameen.

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